January presents a natural opportunity for a reset. Whether you're a "write down all the goals" girl, or a "think about it and then verbally process it" kind of person, this month often finds us thinking a lot about the next 12 months.
On Monday, during our weekly GraceLaced staff team meeting, we spent some time talking about our goals for 2019—personally and professionally. It was so good to listen to each other's heart for the new year, that we thought we'd share some of the themes that came up in our discussion, tell you about some of our takeaways, and point you to a giveaway to kick off 2019.
Inevitably, one of the things we talked about was what we wanted our time with the Lord and in His Word to look like in 2019.
Maybe you're like some of us, and though you begin a Bible-reading plan with the best of intentions, once you hit March, you're behind and feeling guilty about it. Can we just tell you, you're not alone? And that there's grace for all of us?
That's not to say that having a plan to regularly be in God's Word is a bad thing, because it's absolutely not. What we are saying though, is that this year we want to value meeting God in His Word over simply ticking off another day in a reading plan.
We're all for good reading plans, too! In fact, here are a few we'd recommend if you're looking for one:
As a team, we're wrapping up reading through Tony Reinke's 12 Ways Your Phone is Changing You, and it's challenged all of us, to say the least. To some extent, all of us are thinking about what it looks like to use our phones and specifically social media to the glory of God in 2019.
We've been challenged to think about intentionally stepping away from our phones in order to spend quality face-to-face time with the people we love and be present with the people God has given to us. It's SO easy to waste time mindlessly scrolling instead of focusing on what's literally right in front of us.
At least a few of us are naturally reflective, and because we're almost always turning something over in my mind, we don't necessarily write things down. For example, it's just not been part of our processing to make lists, take notes, or even to write down key takeaways from a sermon on a regular basis. (And on the other hand, some of us write allll the things down!) Either way, in 2019, we want our actions to reflect the intentionality of our hearts....which may mean being intentional about writing things down, planning ahead, and reflecting in ways that we haven't before.
So, there you have it. The best of our goal-setting conversation for 2019! And, to help encourage you in this new year, Ruth is hosting a huge giveaway on Instagram. Head over there to learn more and enter.... but here's a sneak peek of what she's giving away. You'll see some familiar friends. (And a few things we've sold out of in the Shoppe!)
One thing is certain as we enter a new year - God has not changed and if we have eyes to see it, we'll experience His kindness anew in 2019.
Because of grace,
The GraceLaced team
Walk the Walk podcast - She shares a bit with Hayley Morgan about what time with the Lord looks like these days
On Discipline and Freedom {Year End Perspective with New Year Eyes}
How to Have a Triumphant Year
"New Life" Resolutions
Why I Don't Read My Bible