Is it too late for me to wish you a happy new year!?! I'm only about 10 days late, but who's counting?
As the new year was approaching, I began internally anticipating all the buzz that would come with the calendar turning over to 2015: all the "one words" that would be chosen for the year, all the goals that disciplined folks would set, all the fresh starts so many would anticipate....
...and there I was, reluctant to join in on the "one word" fun, too non-committal to set any lofty goals, and much too burdened by real trials and heartaches to simply throw confetti and toast to fresh beginnings when the clock struck midnight.
So, I asked the Lord to direct my thoughts for the New Year. I asked him to teach me how to focus my heart and mind on what matters...all 365 days of the next year.
And, he gently reminded me:
My goal setting, my discipline, my can-do attitude are all great aspirations, but they will not make 2015 the best year ever. I can't perform or succeed my way to a more triumphant year.
Because patting myself on the back is not the end goal. Falling on my knees is.
It's nothing new, but I needed the reminder. What I think on and what I meditate on as truth will determine what I believe about my year and how I live in it. So these new prints in the shoppe are a compilation of what he's put in my heart as I enter the new year...
Whatever is true...whatever is worthy of praise...let those be the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart...that my ambition for 2015 would be to know that my hours and times are in your hands...and I'd live accordingly
document.querySelector('.product-block .product-block').classList.add('is-first-product-block'); document.querySelector('.product-block .product-block').classList.add('is-first-product-block');Only when I replace my thinking with his, only when I forget my agenda and remember his eternal purposes...do I actually begin to understand what his good is in a good year...what it really means to have a triumphant year.
I pray these thoughts brought to paper through paint and brush will encourage and bless you as you enter into 2015. I pray it reminds you of the truth I needed to remember, myself. And just a little word of hope...don't give up or give in if it's already off to a rough start. Perhaps we can preach to our own hearts the truth: Jesus doesn't begin his work in you on January 1st.
"...he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." (Philippians 1:6)
He's at work, even now...in the midst of all that feels uninspiring, less than disciplined, chronically imperfect, and short of hopeful. He's at work even there.
Think on the Him, friend...let it be acceptable in HIS eyes alone...and live like today's what he's given you (because it is!)

With all my love and anticipation for what he will do in and through us this year...

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