To Be In Process
I finally started a dedicated sketchbook just for future chalk lettering ideas. I doodled the be strong and courageous one the other day, and hope to have several more by the end of the month. Drawing everyday has been so good for me, in ways I didn't expect.
I knew the discipline of it would be a challenge, but the true challenge of posting artistic expressions every day is in silencing the self-doubter and the inner-critic. It's pushing past the fear of sharing what's incomplete or not quite good enough, and believing there's something beautiful about being IN PROCESS.
And so, today's is another work in progress. For now, it's the further outworking of my thoughts the other day about inability to bear fruit apart from Christ...because he is all. All I have is indeed Christ.
And you know what else is a wonderful by-product of striving to express artistically each day? My boys are learning to embrace the process as well. There are incomplete paintings and doodles everywhere this month as they follow along with my little journey. I've never seen them TRY and ATTEMPT so many artistic things without fear. It does a mama's heart good, and it illustrates a humbling truth: Our kids imitate what we model as worthy.

If we think quiet afternoons should be spent reading and drawing, they will too. If we bravely embrace the making of messes and mistakes, they will as well. If we find joy in the process, and being in progress...they will find that journey worth taking also.

Today, I'm drawing close to the freedom of imperfection, knowing that he who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. (Phil 1:6)
Join me everyday this month for the Drawing Close series.
Day 1: Drawing Close Intro Day 2: A Portrait Day 3: Parts of A Whole Day 4: Be Strong and Courageous Day 5: A World Where There Are Octobers {My Birthday} Day 6: Keep Moving Forward Day 7: Bearing Fruit Day 8: Capturing Life In Motion Day 9: Real (Uncomfortable) Hospitality Day 10: In Process, In Progress Day 11: Day 12: Day 13: Day 14: Day 15: Day 16: Day 17: Day 18: Day 19: Day 20: Day 21: Day 22: Day 23: Day 24: Day 25: Day 26: Day 27: Day 28: Day 29: Day 30: Day 31: