Hanging Air Plant Terrarium Garden

Hanging Air Plant Terrarium Garden

If you've followed this blog for any length of time, you know that I've had a long-running love affair with air plants and terrariums. It's hard not to love such low-maintenance plants like air plants and succulents

I recently added to my collection while in Durango, Colorado. I purchased another hanging terrarium at my favorite shop, Urban Market on Main Street. (You can find a similar one here.)


We drilled a hole into a piece of driftwood to attach the hanging terrarium, much like we did for my caged light pendants from Anthropologie... Airplants and Hanging Terrariums


I love the look of simply air plants in glass, but you could get so creative with these. I've seen beautiful one with pebbles, seashells, and moss. Depending on your climate, air plants can be misted with water a few times a week, or soaked in water and shaken out if thriving in a warmer, drier environment. Air plants don't need anything but water and oxygen to survive. They love to be within a few feet of a bright window that allows indirect light. A little direct morning light is okay, but you don't want to burn your plants-- indirect bright light is what they really need. _DSC0022

And, as I have yet to finish up my kitchen remodel with some window coverings, I've got my sweet hanging air plant terrarium gracing the open window. I have to admit...doing dishes has never felt so serene and special. :) It's the little details that make me smile. Have a great day!

_DSC0028{I don't plan on re-opening my etsy shop anytime soon, but having been asked quite a few times, I am considering selling air plant garden arrangements and terrariums for custom orders and requests. Contact me if you are interested in a custom creation. :)}



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