Worship Before Service

Do you ever find yourself so busy serving the Lord that you've neglected intimate worship in his very presence? I'm not referring to merely listening to Christian radio or reading a devotional guide...I'm speaking of utter submission and glory to the "worthship" of Christ. He is worthy; we just don't always attribute worthiness to Him over ourselves and our own efforts.

Here are some thoughts to meditate on from the first few chapters of a simple, but poignant little book I've been reading, How To Worship Jesus Christ:

"You never drift into being a Mary. You can always drift into being a Martha. All you have to do is just let yourself go. No woman ever drifted into being a Mary."

"Worship is not simple, but it is glorious! I have found these many years that it is the one thing the enemy will oppose more than anything else--more than intercession, more than petition. The one thing he does not want is for you to worship Jesus Christ."

"We are told that in the year that King Uzziah died he saw the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up. He also saw seraphim worshiping the Lord. Each one had six wings: two to cover his face, two to cover his feet, and two to fly, to carry out the will of the One worshiped. I wonder why he did not fly with six? If you gave most Christians today six wings, what would they want to do? Go as far as they could!

Oh, no, four are to prepare for worship; only two are for service...It is always the same order: worship before service."

I'm thinking on these today, aligning my heart with the mind of Christ...considering His worthiness above and beyond anything that I may deem imperative to accomplish this day. May we not drift into being Marthas, but be reminded to worship Jesus Christ first.


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