With Open Hands

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="800.0"]With Open Hands | gracelaced.com With Open Hands | gracelaced.com[/caption]

I used to think it sounded a bit trite to hear the words "Lord willing" at the end of a sentence. Maybe it was just that I would say it in reference to my determination meeting the possibility of unforeseen obstacles. I feel a bit differently about it these days.

It is no longer my determination meeting unforeseen obstacles, but rather my submission to whatever is the good and gracious will of my great God.

Somewhere in the craziness of marriage and motherhood, he's taught me that I'm not nearly as in control and self-sufficient as I think I am, and yet, he's revealed that I am more provided for and capable in him than I ever thought possible. It's no longer about dreaming big dreams and forging ahead until I can't go further, but waiting for his sweet voice to affirm and draw while I respond with open hands.

So, I'm sharing today that Wednesday is the day, Lord willing. I've been in a many-month process of redesigning and relaunching this site, and opening a shop for my artwork. There is much about this pursuit that has been costly and at times, quite stressful. Like other worthwhile endeavors, this one has challenged, and at times, caused doubt. You see, it is our nature to look at our own wisdom, our own abilities, and our own self-preservation. By default, I am a self-worshiper...a self-worshiper that wants what I want and resists anything that keeps me from feeling invincible.

And these two little word-- Lord willing-- reminds me that everything is by Him, through Him, and to His glory.

I can't wait to share the new site with you. I can't wait to open up my shop. I can't wait to make sales and bless my family financially. I can't wait to grow my reach as an artist. I can't wait to make a difference.

Lord willing, these will come to pass, according to his wisdom. And should he choose not to use me in those ways, my hands aren't clenched in possession...I've been practicing the open-hand policy he's been teaching me.

So, it is with a humble and happy heart that I ask for prayer and anticipation for the good things he is doing right here at GraceLaced. Thank you so much for joining me. I'm so honored.

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