When You Have One of Those Weeks

There has been some sickness at our house this past week, ending with the littlest succumbing to antibiotics for an ear infection. Poor little mancub...he's been miserable! There's also been heart issues around our household: broken hearts, weary hearts, angry hearts, impatient hearts, fearful hearts, mending hearts. I dare say, heart issues are more trying than physical issues.

These are the weeks that I'm on the computer less, I hold the kids more, and the house stays a bit messier. These are the weeks I crave time alone, but I have to fight for the desire for time alone with the Lord. Surely you know what I'm talking about.

These are the weeks I am reminded that my roots cannot be shallow; they must go deep...

That's what I'm writing about today at Beautifully Rooted. (my first post as a contributor!)

...It seems that we oftentimes display luscious foliage and fruit in comfortable times, just to find ourselves later withered up, dry, and devastated when the circumstances of life send gales of  uncertainty or strife. Excitement and passion for the Kingdom wanes as the weeds of the flesh choke them out. We grow weary and weak in our walk with the Lord...and we wonder why?...

Join me over at Beautifully Rooted to read the entire post.

Have a blessed weekend! I hope you join us for GraceLaced Mondays on Monday as we share where those roots are taking us...


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