"One thing I wish I could tell my graduate self: You’ll never be satisfied if you look for worth or value in a boyfriend, job, or accomplishment. You were made to find your identity in Jesus!" -- Ruth

"One of the biggest things God’s been teaching me since I graduated is to trust Him. He’s known how each day of mine would go since before I was even born." -- Sarah
"Whatever else may be going on, always make time to spend in God’s Word. The only way to combat the lies the world will throw at you about what you should do and who you should be is to be steeped in the Truth!" -- Gina
"I would remind and encourage myself that I didn’t need to worry and try to plan every element of my life on my own — rather, trusting in the Lord for His plan for each step in my life." -- Kenzie
"I can’t change what I did or did not do - spiritually, relationally, mentally, physically, you name it - but I can choose to invite the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth to me, convict me, and sanctify me today." -- Ana
"Remember to PRAY and present everything at Christ’s feet - whether it's regarding a job, relationships, new town, etc. - place your worries on Him because He cares for you and He is faithful." -- CamilleWe hope this serves as an encouragement to graduates or anyone embarking on a new season of life!
-- GraceLaced team