Do you find yourself in a season of parenting and marriage where you need a re-focus of vision, purpose, and of what matters most in life?
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On my 14th wedding anniversary this summer, Troy and I were in Ft. Worth, TX, attending a NAUMS conference with fellow Board members of our school, and listening to the teaching of Dr. Rob Rienow of Visionary Family Ministries. We had no idea what an impact his encouragement to us would be that day. I couldn't have known that the Lord would encourage my weary mothering heart through Dr. Rienow in such a compelling way so that I would clearly see God's provision when finding out I was pregnant with our sixth several weeks later. There is nothing--NOTHING--that brings hope and motivation like biblical truth.
I've recently finished reading one of Dr. Rienow's books, Visionary Parenting: Capture a God-Sized Vision for Your Family. It is so much more than a how-to book on correction and is a power-packed book on the biblical vision for family. I so appreciate Dr. Rienow's biblicity as well as his practical theology. These are some of the key issues the book address and gives encouragement for:
Your family as a discipleship center.
A child learns what is important through the family schedule.
Do your kids love what you love?
Family worship is the intersection of a right relationship with God and a right relationship with family.
Family worship is the foundation of worship in the church.
Discipline that disciples is consistent.
Do these topics intrigue you? Do they feel convicting? They are to me.
And how about this...Dr. Rienow quotes Charles Spurgeon:
"The Christian family was the bulwark of godliness in the days of the puritans, but in these evil times hundreds of families of so-called Christians have no family worship, no restraint upon growing sons, and no wholesome instruction or discipline. How can we hope to see the kingdom of our Lord advance when His own disciples do not teach His gospel to their own children? Oh, Christian men and women, be thorough in what you do and know and teach! Let your families be trained in the fear of God and be yourselves 'holiness unto the Lord'; so shall you stand like a rock amid the surging waves of error and ungodliness which rage around us."
Sometimes as moms, we simply put one foot in front of the other, and press on in daily tasks, chores, and training of our children. Visionary Parenting is a mental break, an opportunity for you to reset your mind on what this is all about. It is both theological and practical, from one parent in the trenches to another.
I love the beginning of the last chapter in Visionary Parenting:
"We now need to extend our vision beyond our family and our children. God did not create the family as an end in itself. God's purposes for your family and for your children reach far beyond the particular life you have together in this time and place."
I couldn't agree more! We are ultimately in the diligent work of training our children, raising our families, and striving as godly parents---not to simply have godly families we can be proud of or enjoy. No, we are called to a higher purpose for His glory and renown! I'm so thankful for Rob Rienow and Visionary Family Ministries, and for the work God is doing in this generation through their faithfulness to the Word of God.
I am thrilled to be giving away 2 amazing resource packages from Visionary Family Ministries. Here are the Giveaway Details...Enjoy!
I. Books
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Visionary Parenting: Capture a God-Sized Vision for Your Family, by Dr. Rob Rienow Visionary Marriage: Capture a God-Sized Vision for Your Marriage, by Rob & Amy Rienow When They Turn Away: Drawing Your Adult Child Back to Christ, by Rob Rienow
II. Videos
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VISIONARY FAMILY DVD SET BUNDLE – (Visionary Parenting, Visionary Marriage, Never Too Late, and Single Parenting) (Valued at $199!)