It may be back to school season, but in reality, a mother's labor in training up her children never takes a holiday.

I've been collecting textbooks, supplies lesson plans...and feeble thoughts mixed with tired bones. We are weary mommas, low on sleep and burned out on the noise and the expectations that surround us. We rise each day hoping to be more than we were yesterday, greater than what we may have been given, and braver than our experience would have us be. And we want our children to sink deep roots and grow leafy branches. We want them to flourish.
And so we read books, teach lessons, assign chores, and schedule activities. But what we families truly to turn our hearts toward home: our home in Christ. It's the most important thing our children could know, but often the first to overlook.
For all our efforts to make them wise, give them tools, and hand them a bright future, we would be remiss to hold less dear our children's utter need for Christ, for redemption...for the wisdom found in God's Word. We must teach them diligently.
These longings in my own refocus, to re-prioritize, to invest deeply in my children, have inspired these four new back to school prints in the shoppe. They are so much more than simply "back to school," as my hope is that they stand to inspire us to continually return to the foundation of all learning for ourselves and our children: love for Christ and for his glory.
I pray you are blessed!
Thank you, as always, for the honor of sharing my heart and the musings of my brush with you. May the Lord be honored...he is so worthy.

Because of grace,

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