Turkey Coma

Thanksgiving was more lovely, more abundant, more beautiful, more delicious, more relaxing, more inviting, and more thankful than I could have hoped for. I would like to think all the reflection ahead of time made a difference. Our thanksgiving included my in-laws, my husband's great aunt, his uncle, my brother and sister-in-law, and their little girl, our friend from India, and our friends from church...and our family of five. The menu was even more bountiful: Maple-thyme roast turkey and maple gravy, pineapple-brown sugar-glazed ham and gravy, mashed potatoes, pecan-topped sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, traditional stuffing, cranberry-currant oyster stuffing with apples, gelatin salad, Indian corn with green chile, quinoa pie, cranberry-orange sauce, homemade rolls, green salad, and a relish tray! Dessert included: Portuguese sweet bread, carmelized apple pie, pumpkin pie (with Martha's leaf lattice top), and chocolate pecan pie. Mulled apple cider, coffee, and tea were served after dinner. My husband gathered the crew together, and before the prayer, shared about giving thanks regardless of circumstance....before a spread such that was before us, or over a plate of beans. I'm thankful for our incredible meal, and even more thankful for the perspective of gratitude it encouraged in us. Oh, and everyone participated in my free-form sculpture.


We were able to fit 13 people around my dining table...I love having everyone together.


Abby, my nutritionist sister-in-law, calculated there was at least 1000 calories in this plate alone.


My thanksgiving tree.


Gotta love Liam; he tells it like it is.


I'll be tenting the lattice with foil next time...


Our little Judah entertaining himself during cleanup.

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