Thinking About Thirty-Three

"Teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom." (Psalm 90:12) I have had a wonderful birthday. I could not have asked for more loving family and friends. October did not fail me...the weather was amazing this weekend. I did a little thinking in between the festivities: I remember when I thought twenty-six years of age sounded so mature and sophisticated, and thirty-two just sounded downright middle-aged. Now that I have turned 32 I am honestly surprised that this is not at all what I had expected of my thirties. I'm not polished, I find, but rather in need of continual refinement and correction from the Lord! It's enigmatic--I feel knowledgeable but clueless, fashionable though not trendy, strong and sometimes insecure, full of life though replete with fatigue, optimistic yet skeptical, on a course but always dreaming, content yet never satisfied. There is a tendency in our success-saturated culture, to consider the end the goal. But as I look out onto my thirty-third year, I am humbled by the Lord's granting of one more day, one more week, one more year of service to Him. I may not know who I will become "when I grow up," but my Father does.

"The mind of man plans his way but the Lord directs his steps." (Proverbs 16:9)


A beautiful bouquet of dendrobiums my longtime friend Alyssa sent to me.

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