I found my old toolbox that held all my drawing supplies while cleaning out the back of the shed. It was an old friend in college, and when I uncovered it, I barely recognized it. It's funny how graphite pencils used to feel so natural between my fingers, and now those fingers know more of soapy dishes, digging up weeds, and putting socks and shoes on little feet.
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And those fingers that haven't held Kimberly drawing sticks for 15 years, now hold these graphite sticks differently...with less to prove, and more to discover. The strokes may be softer now, less confident...not because I've forgotten how to draw, but because I've learned how to see. Seeing takes time. And the way we view all that encircles us determines how we see dark and light, lines and boundaries. And from the vantage point of being a little older, a little wiser, a little less idealistic, and a little more surrendered...I'm discovering that, though I'm the with pencil in hand, God's story that abounds all around...is really drawing me.
Join me everyday this month for the Drawing Close series.
Day 1: Drawing Close Intro Day 2: A Portrait Day 3: Parts of A Whole Day 4: Be Strong and Courageous Day 5: A World Where There Are Octobers {My Birthday} Day 6: Keep Moving Forward Day 7: Bearing Fruit Day 8: Capturing Life In Motion Day 9: Real (Uncomfortable) Hospitality Day 10: In Process, In Progress Day 11: Beginnings Day 12: Underpinnings Day 13: Rest In Him Day 14: The Mercy of Layers Day 15: Tulips For Morocco Day 16: On His Side Day 17: Dear Soul Day 18: Flowery Beds Of Ease Day 19: Dogwoods Sketch Day 20: Weekend Watercoloring Day 21: Because Love Abounds And We Abide Day 22: The Water To My Color Day 23: Significance of Dogwoods Day 24: Day 25: Day 26: Day 27: Day 28: Day 29: Day 30: Day 31: