Despite the nagging suspicions that I was carrying a girl, our ultrasound today confirmed that we are in fact having another boy. Boy number 4. And, very likely, child number last. The other three were with Grandma and Grandpa today, so Troy and I had a great time to bond over the news. We talked a long time today about God's sovereignty and our relief in knowing that He knows what is for our best. It's one thing to pray it and say it, and another to respond with faith in all circumstances. Perhaps there is a false perception that the difficult work of the first year of a child's life is somehow lessened if the experience is switched up a bit through having the opposite gender. But alas, raising a child is work--hard work--regardless of the clothes, decor, and experience. Nevertheless, I can't think of a better investment than parenting, even if it doesn't always pay upfront. Both Troy and I are humbled and blessed to have the opportunity to raise four sons, and we pray daily that we might be faithful parents, and that the Lord would be gracious to grow them each to be men of God.