It’s no secret that the idea of rehearsing truth to fight discouragement is a reoccurring theme for the GraceLaced team. Whether it’s a podcast episode about preaching truth to yourself, or a deck of cards designed to help you practice, Ruth has always encouraged our team and anyone who’s followed her on social media to do what the psalmists did over and over: rehearse what is true about who God is and who you are.
Why? Because a biblical perspective of those two concepts can change everything! It can:
Rehearsing what is true helps us take heart when we’re weary and discouraged as nothing else can.
As we look toward the end of 2022 and begin to anticipate what a new year may hold, can we encourage you with some powerful reminders about who God is, what He does, and who you are?
Here are just a handful of reasons you can take heart:
- Nothing can separate you from the love of God.(Roman 8:37-39)
- God is your refuge. (Psalm 61:1-3)
- When you run to the Lord, you are safe. (Proverbs 18:10)
- God is your deliverer. (Psalm 18:2)
- You can rejoice in trial because what it produces in you is invaluable. (1 Peter 1:6-7)
- Jesus has overcome the world. (John 16:33)
These are some of the truths you’ll find in our 2023 3-in-1 GraceLaced calendar. We designed it with you in mind, friend, and we hope that each month’s verse will be something to meditate on until it sinks deep into your soul. And that in turn, you really will be able to take heart regardless of what circumstances the new year holds.

We’re praying this calendar, and the coordinating products, serve you well!
In Him,
GraceLaced team
GraceLaced products created to encourage us to Take Heart:
Take Heart prints + canvases
Take Heart Undated Planner
Take Heart 2023 Calendar
GraceLaced Podcast resources:
BONUS | Take Heart When It's Hard