Sunday's Coming

Easter Lily closeup

Today would've been the day that the disciples, and those that loved Jesus, mourned and grieved. They were not-- like us-- preparing big feasts or pressing their Sunday clothes. I imagine they would've been replaying the last three years of their lives with Jesus in their minds. They likely remembered his promises, and yet, felt confused at how everything could seem so wrong. So not according to plan, in their minds. They did not know, truly know, that Sunday was coming.

Because of Sunday morning, my burdens are lifted.

Because of Sunday morning, I can rejoice.

Because of Sunday morning, death is not my master.

Because of Sunday morning, all His promises ARE true.

Because of Sunday morning, there is hope for tomorrow...when today's tears because tomorrow's victory.

This year at our eggs dyed, no outfits purchased, no meal planned, no bunnies-lilies-spring-decorati

ons about. We are letting family take care of us. This year, nothing but my heart is prepared for Easter. Thankful that's enough.

Soli deo gloria!

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