Rough and Tumble Quilting

Caleb, the oldest, has his own room now in anticipation of new baby brother's arrival.  His six yr. old design sense requested a navy blue jet-themed room decor.  I hunted for affordable non-cheesy jet fabric with no success.  Yet, while on a quick trip to Joanne's the other day for a few notions, I spotted a Jeep fabric for $4 a yard.  Very reasonable, especially considering it was a faux quilt panel--meaning, it already looked like a quilt in design.  No, problem, I thought, I'll just double the yardage widthwise and make a quilt big enough for a full-size bed.  But as over-ambitious crafting would have it, my plans were not as simple to execute as were conceived.  The pattern of the panel did not easily repeat itself widthwise.  So, after admitting defeat, and consulting with my in-laws about piecing options, I decided to cut out each individual Jeep square, add sashing, and quilt it myself.  Piecing and quilting on a 12 yr. old $100 machine is less than ideal.  I completed the quilt, however, with minimal amounts of crying, tantrums, and neglect to my children!  Caleb loves it...and after a shrinking in the wash, you can hardly see all my mistakes...hardly.

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