
Do you remember loving sno-cones as a kid? I'm not sure how shaved ice and fruity syrup could be so satisfying, but nothing said summer quite like a rainbow sno-cone. The boys had their first sno-cones this summer. Their eyes grew wide with every color added to each towering mound of ice. They loved it. They enjoyed every nibble and slurp. They flashed brightly hued tongues at each other. They were kids being kids.

The Preacher and I had one too, and found ourselves to be adults being kids as well.

And, you know what I enjoyed most about that moment? The fact that something so simple could be so refreshing. It's not rocket-science: sweet + icy cold = relief on a hot day.

So, when I am parched and weary in the life's journey, should I be surprised that my thirsty soul is revived through living water? That a hunger for life is satisfied by the Word of God, our daily bread? It's simple, really. Some things never change...find refreshment where true refreshment can be found today.


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