Quiet Craft

Some days...some weeks are harder than others. This has been one of spiritual and emotional struggling, which, in turn, often leads to a greater need for alone time in a contemplative corner. Sewing is a great craft for just such an order. At my little makeshift sewing/bedside table, in a tight corner of my bedroom, flows many hours of diligence with the hand and quietness of the heart and mind. The boys' naps allowed only one hour of sewing solace today after necessary chores and tasks were completed.

Intending to begin work on a gift, I rummaged through my stash of fabrics, and came upon several yards of a sheer my sweet friend, Nancy, gave me last October for my birthday. Without a serger, and having only minimal sewing skills, I've been largely intimidated by sheers and the world of fashion sewing and design. Aprons, little people clothes, and re-constructed outfits are the extent of my repetoire. Yet, on days when the heart is heavy and the will feels weary, the process--more than any product serves as purpose and motivation. So, the gift was tabled while a wild idea was born. As irony and the mystery of creativity would have it, I fashioned a dress in my mind, sat down to sew, and had it on my body an hour later. The dress is simple--rather, I'm simple, therefore, anything I attempt requires no elastic, zipper, or button. Styled like a sarong, the dress is ultimately one large rectangular tube of fabric with a seam open down the front for ties. Goes over the belly, ties on tight. The only trick was to make it double layered (since I wanted a dress, not a cover-up) and finished at every seam, while only sewing as little as possible. I straight-stitched a total of 4 long seams...and voila! Really, it was therapeutic. And with all the noisy thoughts that have been in my head, the rumbling of my simple machine made for a soothing backdrop to a mentally quiet afternoon.

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