One On One Time

One On One Time

If you follow me on Instagram or on Facebook, you've been getting the inside scoop on my whirlwind trip with our whole family to the San Francisco Bay Area in celebration of my grandparents' 95th birthdays. (Did you miss me? :) After posting every single day for 31 days, I go missing for 5!) Long lost cousins and family from near and far came together, so it was an amazing opportunity for our boys to meet Chinese relatives and to experience the Bay. I will post about the trip soon, I hope!

But, today...I am over at The Better Mom, sharing on a topic that is dear and near to my heart in my current season of life: spending quality time with each of our children.

If you have more than one child, and especially if you have several, you know how challenging it can be to have alone time with each of your children-- to know each one's heart, thoughts, and needs. With my oldest at the brink of adolescence and my youngest only a few months old, it's been a crazy season of surviving motherhood, and not always making time for quality time. But lately, I've grown more and more convinced of the need to be truly deliberate in pursuing my kids through taking them out one at a time. 

Join me there today, as I share ideas for dating our children, and why we should make it a priority. Leave me a comment over there with your thoughts!

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