Number 3 Turns 6

There's something about turning six. Six seems to mark the beginning of boyhood. There's no more "T" behind clothing sizes! Two of mine have already arrived, and after today's birthday--I now have three. Sigh...I think he even smells different to me. :)

Number 3 is the middle child, and for all you middle children out know how it can be. Sometimes middle children are the loudest because it's the most difficult to be heard. Sometimes middle children are the most reserved about their feelings because they are trying to determine what is expected of them. Sometime middle children take the longest to figure out who they really are with all the commotion going on before and behind him. My Number 3 has been all of these, and yet, he is truly his own unique self. There is no one quite like him

This boy...

  • gives the most sincere hugs,
  • expresses gratitude and remorse with almost no prompting
  • shows love by doing, with action
  • is pleased and blessed by the simplest of joys
  • doesn't give up; hardly knows the word "can't"

And yet, there was a time when this child exasperated us with unending mid-night screamfests, required more patience than I thought I could muster, and consistently appeared unfazed by correction and discipline. Do you have a little one like this? Do you have a child who you pray over night after night, pleading the Lord for change to his his heart?Today, celebrating six years with my precious Number 3, is a reminder that those prayers are heard. Those prayers are answered. In His time, for His purposes, through His provisions.

Challenging children can be God's very gracious blessing to draw you to himself, to grow you, to sanctify you...He has done this in my life with each of my 5; I know he will do so in yours.

Happy Birthday, Number 3. The Lord is not through with you yet...I am a blessed mama indeed.




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