Number 2 Turns 5

Five years ago yesterday, my husband delivered Number 2 at the hospital with no help from medical staff. We barely made it as this was my shortest labor to date! This boy entered the world swiftly, and with gusto--a characteristic which continues to mark his burgeoning personality. We opted for keeping the festivities low key yesterday, celebrating with family, and with an afternoon at the pool. His dad, brothers, and I took him out to breakfast, and while unconventional, the birthday boy had a fun time blowing out the candle we lit in his bowl of cream of wheat.




5 of our favorite things about this wonderful boy...

1. His infectious laugh.

2. His love for all things artistic and beautiful.

3. His mad skills in the kitchen.

4. His ability to tell a good joke.

5. He is an all or nothing boy...everything he does, he does with passion!

Happy 5th Birthday, Liam!

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