Number 1 Turns 8

Eight years enjoying the wonder and undeserved blessings of experience ushered in by this wonderful, wonderful boy.

Eight years of marveling at the person he is becoming.

Eight years of speaking the truth of the Gospel into his life...and seeing his heart transformed.

Significant, because he has come a long long way. And so has his mother.

I'm not much of a scrapbooker....but, I love to write letters. I have a blank journal for each of my boys in which I've written them letters throughout their lives since before they were born. Here are some excerpts from one I've added to Number 1's book of letters, in honor of his eighth birthday...

The Lord has fashioned you to be the big brother of our family. Just today, you encouraged your baby brother with correction that was kindly spoken, right after I spoke a harsher word. I was instantly convicted, and yet, so thankful for your tenderness and your desire for your brothers' best.

I praise the Lord for your teachable and moldable heart. It is no doubt the sanctifying work of Christ in you. I pray you will continue to navigate through life yielding to the Word of God. (And wielding it's sharp edge on your heart!)

The other day, when you and I struggled with attitude and disobedience, you made a notable comment. I said to you, while reading my book at the end of the day: "Mama's reading about how to be a godlier wife and mother as the Bible teaches from Titus 2." You said, "Do they write books on how to be a godlier son? Well, I guess I'll just read Proverbs for that."

You are so joyful and grateful for all of your life's blessings. The other day, in sheer delight over the many things you were feeling thankful for, you asked me: "Mama, what is your favorite word: Yesterday, Today, or Tomorrow?"

Your latest dream career is to be a missionary pilot.

You claim that C.S. Lewis is your #1 favorite author, followed by Jules Verne, who is a "close second."

Happy Birthday, big boy! You are an instrument of praise, a herald of God's blessings, and a living testimony of His mercy. We love you so much!

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