

Hello there! Have I told you lately how grateful I am that you stop by here week by week? You all encourage and bless my heart. I'm thankful that you all take me as I am: sometimes super serious, sometimes theological, sometimes creative, sometimes not so much, and sometimes just eager to share God's goodness in grace often overlooked.

Today, I'm just counting some of those blessings... 

I've been loving the family we are becoming this summer. I'm not necessarily loving the hard work or the commitment to the things we've determined to work on...but I'm thankful to see small signs of fruit...

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We are taking time for one on one (83)

...and working to embrace changes that might cause discomfort or make us insecure about where we stand in this (84)

...we are working to be more deliberately kind, more easily blessed by those around us..

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...and we are continuing to learn to grow, right where we are planted...

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...knowing that family, no matter what season of life, needs purposeful cultivation, and doesn't just grow on its own...

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...and we are more aware than ever, that the path to manhood...

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...begins with serving others...

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...that it doesn't take much to make another soul smile...

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...that it's simply appreciating the best things in someone else, and not harboring the worst...

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...and that everyone needs a good downpour of tears and rainfall sometimes...

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...because we simply can't know his promises without going through the deluge of pain...

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...and we can't know how to lean and trust on Him unless we become a child...

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...because, really, the loveliest moments are often the ones you see in hindsight, now.

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