I regularly receive letters from women who are weary--from moms who are disappointed with themselves, wives who are striving for more, and women who are longing for greater joy. I read every letter, and I usually respond to each one if possible.
So often, my response to these letters remind me of the very truths I need to hear, myself. Has that happened to you? It's when you instruct your child in something, and realize later, that you are the one who needed to heed that very instruction. This blog, in many ways, is that outpouring of truth that the Lord is molding in me, sometimes in personally challenging ways. You see, the words and thoughts dearest to our hearts are usually the areas of greatest pruning and stretching in our own lives. When I write about motherhood and trust in Jesus, it is not because I feel strong in these areas of my life; it is because I am truly weak and my weakness is thrust into the light by His merciful dealings with me.
I am a woman of small faith--really. And faulty discipline, and bad attitude, and a terrible temper. I must preach the truth of God's word to myself all the time, or I'd perish under anxiety, grief, and fear. We are not yet who we will become, but He is making us into something daily that we never could be on our own.
I so understand that desire to BE MORE and BE BETTER in motherhood, in being a wife, in my walk with God. Without Christ and the Cross, we would have nothing but condemnation and guilt awaiting us each day. Instead, we can look to the Gospel daily, and refocus our mind on the truth of our salvation, of who we really are in Christ--that we are FREE, redeemed, forgiven, chosen, made perfect in Christ, given His righteousness, and LOVED as His children. We need not come fearfully and doubtfully before our Father, pitying ourselves for being "not good enough." No, we are His beloved children that can come directly to Him through the blood of Christ, and pour out our hearts to a Father who cares, who admonishes, and who accepts us on account of Christ. Our striving as moms, wives, as women of God, therefore, is but to become more like Christ through sanctification, and not as a means of being more righteous or worthy of our Lord. Praise God for this truth!
So, friend...it is okay to be weary, to feel discouragement, to fight against besetting sin and a weak faith...but let the painfully poignant pictures of your failure and weakness drive you to the magnificent majesty of His GRACE. The Cross enables us to take our confidence off of our inability and thrust it upon His ABILITY. Let us remember that He is our victory, our Hope, and our reason to Rejoice! His grace is sufficient for thee, friend. I needed reminding today...I hope that you did too.
(The beautiful photo for this post was taken by my friend, Tish Goff.)