It has been my joy to witness my parents be grandparents this week. Today's parting will be, hopefully, not for long. Because we are only together once a year, I try to soak in every possible minute of them enjoying what I cherish every day of my life--a relationship with my kids.
My dad loves by serving and by working quietly. It was the same when I was a child, but now I get to see him humored by his grandkids' antics, steal a trip to the hardware store with his oldest grandson, and take pride in gently putting the baby to sleep...just by being himself.
My mom loves by asking...and really listening. Nothing is more important to her than to know and be known. As a mother, I now get to see her gaze lovingly at each of her grandkids, pull them onto her lap while she writes, or eagerly hide under blankets to play slumber party with the boys. She wonders how the boys have bonded with her so quickly in just a few days.
My parents aren't perfect. Neither am I. But what perspective we have when we find ourselves walking the path they once walked as parents, finding that many uneven stones in the road have been removed on account of them going before us...tripping and falling...picking themselves up...and kicking the stones to the side of the road in perseverance. And yet, this one thing is true: God has always been in the business of turning our faulty steps into firm foundations.
Families are a work in progress. While the distance may seem great at times, there is hope in Christ. Those gaps do not stay insurmountable for good; children of God do not stay stagnant for long. I'm so thankful to have witnessed God at work in our family this week...firming up the foundation...forgiving the faulty steps...leaving a lovelier path for these sweet boys to journey upon in days to come.