My Gardenia

I purchased a potted gardenia tree a month or two ago, and was dismayed to find that upon arrival at our home, it began to turn yellow and drop its blooms. Further investigation on the internet informed me that gardenias are tempermental if not raised in ideal climate or conditions. Bloom-dropping is the most common unfavorable occurrence. After harvesting a dozen dropped blooms from the base of my gardenia, I surrendered to the realization that I had a finicky shrub on my hands with no hope for milky-silky perfumery.

Imagine my surprise when I returned home yesterday from a fishing trip with the boys to find a perfect bloom on my plant! The fragrance is intoxicating, as is its pristine delicacy. Now that she is in bloom, I dare not move her from her east-facing spot under the arbor. There, she receives bright morning light, that gives way to warm, but shaded and indirect sunlight throughout the afternoon. She seems to enjoy the warm, mild nights here, thriving in warmth, but intolerant of our harsh desert sun and heat. The gardenia is among my favorite flowers, and this one has won her way back into my favor! Now that I have found the perfect spot for her to go ahead and be herself...and, with our relationship in harmonic order...I take back those nasty thoughts of disposal, return, and neglect that I once had towards her. We've reconciled; and now, I'm just so pleased that it's worth the wait when she takes her time.

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