Sometimes, when the dishes are done and the kids are miraculously enjoying a book together...and your kitchen counter is cleared off enough to bake a few dozen cookies, you step back and realize that you are making memories with your kids. Memories you want to remember -- over and above the challenges of the tantrums and sleepless nights. They are the memories you want to keep before you, to remind you that even in the midst of the most stretching circumstances, life is filled with moments you'll never want to forget.

And for us moms, those moments come and go, quickly passing us by and rarely making it to our cameras, scrapbooks, or photo albums. That's why I was excited to learn about Rendi, "a fun new company helping you capture, celebrate and archive your story by combining your phone and FB photos w/ your words on photo frames & signs." It's an innovative and fun product + app that simplifies capturing and storytelling your most special memories! When the folks at Rendi contacted me to review their 6-Tag Storyboard, I was thrilled and eager to try it out.

Here's what I love about Rendi:
1) Rendi is super simple to use! Simply order and design a storyboard online, along with prepaid tags, and you're ready to go. Rendi conveniently offers an app for your smart phone that allows you to upload a photo and have it customized as a tag for your storyboard in a matter of minutes. With a press of a button, your tags are automatically produced and sent to your mailbox. Nothing could be can finally be present with your family AND capture memories at the same time.

2) Rendi is fully customizeable. You can choose color, font, style, and record your own thoughts on each and every tag you create. Each picture you create a tag for can be immediately captured with the time, date, location, and memory you don't want to forget...right on the tag, if you choose.

3) Rendi is a creative display. Rendi storyboards come with hooks that hold multiple, sturdy photo tags, and a beautiful linen covered keepsake box to house any tags you don't choose to display.

I chose to create a storyboard with six hooks, one for each of my boys. I also ordered additional tags to showcase some of our favorite summer vacation memories. The boys had a great time reading and reminiscing with each tag, and placing them onto the board. Wouldn't it be fun to have tags for various seasons and occasions that the kids can switch out periodically? With a Rendi Storyboard display, photos are always at the ready for conversation, enjoyment, and reminiscing together.
The generous folks at Rendi are giving away a 3-Tag Storyboard Starter Kit!
(valued at $59.95)

Rendi is also offering GraceLaced readers 25% off any purchase through 8/14/14!
Use code:
Happy memory keeping, friends!
This post was sponsored by Rendi, and I was given product in exchange for my honest review. All opinions in this post are my own.