Making a Home and the GraceLaced Mondays Link-up

Welcome to GraceLaced Mondays! Grace is found in the everyday when you are intentional about taking note of it.

It is found in the sink full of dishes awaiting you after a family meal, it shines in the faces of your imperfect children, it soothes from the pages of God's Word, and it is tucked into the enjoyment of a fresh batch of cookies. Grace is in a beautiful moment and a heartbreaking one alike. Grace is blessing beyond what you and I deserve.


There is no doubt about it, homemaking is a cultivation of skill, discipline, hard work, and a joyful spirit in service. Sara Joanna shared last week about coming home to the role of homemaker and mom as her full-time job. I loved what she said about the job:

"...the thought ofmaking a home is so attractive to me. I'm not great at cooking or baking. I lack interior design skill. Cleaning is actually one of my favorite tasks, but I don't do it consistently.

But those are all surface ways to keep a home. I want to seek out the ways to help cultivate the family bonds that create stability and reassurance. Normalcy and balance. To make a home."

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="554.0"]Making a Home Making a Home[/caption]

If you haven't read Sara's post, you should. It may change your view of staying at home.

Thanks for linking up Sara!


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