I'm not sure if my friend, Myquillyn Smith, aka "The Nester," could have sent me her new book at a better time. "It doesn't have to be perfect to be beautiful," is her message, and right now, I need a good and gentle reminding of that truth.

As you may know, our family is feeling somewhat in limbo. By way of update: We had our house up on the market for a month (a long, grueling, 6-boys-and-2-dogs-don't-make-for-show-worthy-homes kind of month.) We lost two homes that we bid or made offers on. One turned out to be a true blessing as we later learned there was black mold in the home. The second continues to be a heartbreak, as we offered over the asking price and even wrote a letter about our family...and we still didn't get the house. And so, now we assess, pray, wait, and discern the next step. We are so deep in the process of selling and searching for a home...and so far from finding one that is within our price range and needs. And, if you have ever been in this position, you may know exactly what I might be feeling:
Super duper content.
Not exactly. No, in fact, the reality is that it's much more difficult to be content and settled when your heart is already out the door and your home is posted on the internet like it already belongs to someone else.

But Myquillyn's words were a balm to my weary home-loving soul. With the approachability and ease of a close friend, The Nester does the seemingly impossible: She makes you look at your home and the life you live within its walls, with fresh eyes...eyes of rest, hope, and freedom.
And because what we believe really does determine how we act...this book begins with all the truly good stuff (just like the apostle Paul's epistles in the New Testament) of how we should think, and then, how we should respond in action.
It's not a book about all the latest trends or a collection of how to make your home look just like everyone else's. It's a book about loving the home you're in...because the people you love are making memories there.
“...you can’t DIY yourself into loving your home. No amount of painted furniture or stenciled pillows will make you more content with what you have. Creating a beautiful project may bring temporary satisfaction, but unless you look at your home through the right lens, you’ll quickly wonder why you’re still annoyed with your space. ”
I knew something of that freedom when I turned our dining room into a makeshift studio and hauled a tool chest into the house like a beautiful piece of furniture...

I knew something of that risk-taking when we remodeled our kitchen using stock cabinets that we made to look like a built in, and raised them higher than anyone thought was reasonable...

I knew something of whimsy when painted the bathroom wall with clearanced paint...just because...
Do we need more space for this family? Likely. But shall I be miserable, holding my breath and unable to enjoy my house in the meantime? Let's not.
So, I read the beautiful and thoughtful words of a woman who wrote and photographed every page of this gorgeous book from a rental home she grew to love...and remembered to love the space I'm in. To do the most with what I have, now. To not wait for perfection.
If you've ever felt debilitated in making your house a home for fear of decorating "incorrectly"...
If you know the woes of waiting for the perfect home, perfect furniture, or perfect situation to create the space that is lovely and reflects who you are...
...do yourself a favor and pick up The Nesting Place. Imperfectionists, you're finally home.
Here's your chance to win a copy of The Nesting Place!
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