Little Bits Of Life Lived In The Last Month

Little Bits Of Life Lived In The Last Month

The last month seems to have left me regrouping, pensive, and generally quiet. I haven't been interested in saying something just to be heard. Nothing seems worth saying until you own it. I know I've said this often, but I'll say it again: You have to be living if you want to write about life. Sometimes it's tempting to make it the other way around-- speak first, think later. Blog first, live later--that just simply won't work for me, and I pray it doesn't for you. The internet can be noisy, but it doesn't have to be. I'm beyond honored and blessed that you join me here...when I've got to much to say...and when I'm still thinking through the hardships and joys in my own life and the world around us.

Here's a little tour through my month in pictures. Many moments of joy captured, many struggles and heartaches woven in between...and God's purposes spoken clearly in love even when you may be at a loss for words.

This little Mancub #5 turned 2 at the very end of April...


The whole fam took him on a train ride up to Santa Fe, just the 8 of us. It was great fun...even if I was only a little more than one week post partum.



Camera worthy or not...I've been trying to take more pics of me with Number 6, even though he's been a fussy little one, and photogenic moments are scarce.

GraceLaced family pics

The beginning of May found me 2 weeks post partum, but pressing through with a labor of love, a painting to be auctioned at our school's annual benefit gala...


These tulips were painted in dark hours of the night and in the early light of day. Instead of bright and cheery blooms, I painted ones that reflected my pensive and quiet mood. I was so thrilled to see it sell for over $1,325...what an honor.


This was Mr. Simons and I on the night of the event. Maybe I'm over-spiritualizing it, but I sure felt God's gracious love for me when I found this dress at Dillard's for a mere $30 on clearance when nothing in my closet fit me. :)


As the weather warmed up, the kids and I made time to head to Grandma's house, where each of us got to enjoy some R & R...




I can't tell you how many games of chicken foot I've played with this 4 yr. old. He is a genius at the game, and is equally disappointed at losing. The art of enjoying the game is what we've been working on...

chicken foot

This is one of the few pics we've gotten as a family of 8, here, attending a 50s themed birthday party of special friend.


...and as a side note, Number 5 is definitely in the "terrible twos." We are intentionally and purposefully combating the tantrums, belligerance, and willfullness emanating from such a small and sweet munchkin. I've been down this road five other times, but it really isn't any easier this time around. Consistency and deliberate training is exhausting! But praise the Lord...I have seen it's fruit, again and again.



My dear father-in-law turned 70 this month. It was a joy to host family from near and far for a Sunday dinner in honor of his special day.


Dad Bday15smallGL

And, finally, as my little one turns 6 weeks old, my parents are now here from California to enjoy quality time with their 10th grandchild. I don't know what is better than seeing good parents become great grandparents.



These are just some of the little moments that have happened around here this past month? Not everything that's worth documenting has to be big. I hope you are taking note of your days in small ways, even if there are seasons when you don't feel there is much to say and really no energy to process it all anyway. It might be taking all you've got just to keep on living genuinely and with purpose. If so, you are in good company; right now--that's enough for me.

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