Letter To My 11 Year Old

To my 11 yr. old Birthday Boy, You are so easy to celebrate. I've been writing letters to you since before you were born, but lately, the words are stored in my heart more than they are on paper. There's much to say, just not enough time to say it all. I promise I'll get back to it...eventually.

I had no plans to have five little boys after you, but God knew his good plan for our family. He knew to make you patient, compassionate, tender-hearted, responsible, brave, intentional, inquisitive, smart, and funny. He knew you would lead the pack, and stay back with the one who can't keep up. He made you to be a blessing. He made you the boy who cries with joy at the news of a new sibling, who desires to know God more, who helps with his brothers daily, who is fascinated by missions, who never assumes blessings and always shows gratitude, who is often wise beyond his years yet humble about his weaknesses.

I'm so grateful for the heart He's forming in you. I'm so blessed by you daily!

With love,

Your mama


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