"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." Colossians 3:16
With the launch of our new Mother's Day Collection, we have been focused on fixing our hope on the truth's found in God's Word. We wanted to share 5 practical ways to let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly -- we hope these tips encourage you in spending more time in your Bible!

1. Listen to an audio version of the Bible in the car or on the go.
The Bible app is a free resource that offers audio versions of a variety of Bible translations. The Dwell App is a paid subscription that offers audio versions of the Bible with several narrators and voices, and strategic and thematic reading plans. Faith Comes By Hearing offers audio Bibles in 1400+ languages.

2. Pray through a passage of Scripture.
The Word of God can be a great place to start in prayer. While you read a passage, observe the ways God’s glory is displayed, and praise Him for it. Notice the ways you are convicted of sin, and ask for repentance. Thank Him for the ways that piece of Scripture reminds you of His provision. If that piece of Scripture brought to mind other requests, bring those to Him too. Let the Holy Spirit lead you as you pray through Scripture.

3. Memorize meaningful verses.
Write or print out a verse that you want to memorize, and put it in a place you often look. Whenever you see it, try to read it to yourself and commit it to memory. Creative spots include the back of your kitchen cabinets, on a sticky note on your laptop, on the ceiling above your bed, or even in the shower on waterproof paper!
You can also try using Dwell temporary tattoos, designed to help you memorize Scripture. Each letter on the tattoo represents the first letter of each word in the verse, helping you recall the verse every time you see the design. They offer subscriptions that contain all that you need to memorize a new verse or passage each month.
You can also incorporate Gracelaced art in your home with verses you seek to memorize, and use them as a reference and reminders.
Additionally, Our GraceLaced calendar also serves as a scripture memorization tool, with a cut-out verse, matching print, and lock screens to help commit the verse to memory. Our 2022 calendar will come to the shoppe this fall, but you can find all of the previous lock screens here. (Also a great way to be reminded of Scripture!)

4. Read along with your the audio version of the Bible if your mind easily wanders.
Reading along with your own Bible and an audio version helps keep focused on the scripture in front of you. You can speed up or slow down the narration based on how fast you read, too!
We love using the "Be Transformed" ESV Journaling Bible from our new Mother's Day collection as we study the Word. You can find it in the shoppe here.

5. Listen to scripture-inspired songs, they'll get stuck in your head!
Check out GraceLaced’s Spotify playlists for collections of Scripture-inspired songs to encourage you throughout your day. Some of our favorites are Draw Near and Yet I Will Rejoice.
Some of our favorite artists also have songs who's lyrics are Scripture themselves! Some examples are The Cowork’s “Verses, Vol. 1” album, Ellie Holcomb’s songs “Don’t Forget His Love” and “My Heart Is Steadfast” and Shane and Shane’s “Psalms Live” album. Listening to songs are a great way to memorize Scripture.
We hope these tips provide encouragement to you as you let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly. This is the theme of our new Mother's Day collection, aimed at encouraging us to set our minds on all that is good and true from His Word...and persevere. You can check out the entire new collection here.
-- GraceLaced team