Lessons From My Babe


Monday morning.

It may be summertime, but somehow the weeks can be busier still with trips, guests, and hopes for accomplishing tasks that may often elude.

The sun lingers and the days are longer, yet I'm quick to forget that "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven."

I start my day reminding myself Who's in control, Who makes the sun to rise and the night to fall,

He who gives enough time for all that must be done, that should be done, that I wish to be done.

I tell Him my desire is to steward each day, to simply do what is given me with a happy heart, with a diligent step.

He tells me to delight myself in Him, that every desire I may have, great or small, is found in Him, given by Him, and used for Him.

He reminds me to look at my wee son, who can't do anything but to depend, trust, rest, and rely; to be loved, and respond in love.

My sweet baby knows how to take one day at a time, to do what is given him to do today: to simply bring joy to his father.

Monday morning, simplified.

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