Lately In The Studio + Christmas In July Sale

Friends, I've been so busy lately, I've not offered a sale in a long time. But hopes of clearing out some inventory and making room for new goodies to come this Fall and Winter, I am running a Christmas In July Sale at the shoppe for three days only -- July 15-17! 

Though custom orders are not included (I apologize!), you have the opportunity to save 25% off ANY ORDER of ANY SIZE!! This is the biggest sale I've ever run...and that's a huge savings, considering some items in the shoppe are already marked down. Wouldn't it be amazing to get your Christmas shopping done NOW? I'd be tickled if you shared my artwork with your friends and family. The amazing success of the last six months has been incredible. Thank you, truly. I'm so very grateful for the opportunity to bless others through what blesses me.

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Visit the shoppe:

Everything but custom work is included!! Gicleesprintsfolded notecard setssale items, and even original paintings...all 25% off FOR THREE DAYS ONLY!

Please use code: CHRISTMASNOW. 

Speaking of custom orders, I share much of my behind the scenes photos of artwork in process and family in process over on Instagram -- I'd love for you to join me there! But, I realize many of you may not spend much time on social media, so I want to share a little from my recent custom work and projects. I'm so grateful for all the inquiries and commissions that bear special meaning to you...I'm so honored to be chosen to make those significant occasions memorable. I have some amazing opportunities and projects coming up that I can't wait to share sneak peeks with stay tuned. 

The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it...
— Psalm 24:1

Because of grace,

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