I Heart Iced Coffee

Iced coffee makes it to my list of top 10 favorite things. Specifically: vietnamese iced coffee, iced caramel macchiato, iced americano, and iced breve. I used to pour a cup of The Preacher's morning brew over ice, or have him make up an espresso drink if there was extra time. EXTRA TIME. It's funny to even read those words in print.

So as to have strong iced coffee at the ready, I now make it ahead, and keep a pitcher in the fridge. Especially, for those mornings. :) I thought I'd post how I do it, but really, it's pretty much all been said already by these lovely ladies:

My SIL's Cold Brew in a French Press Pioneer Woman's Iced Coffee

Annalea Hart's Iced Coffee

Smitten Kitchen's Cold Brewed Iced Coffee

Mocha Coconut Iced Coffee by How Sweet It Is

I pretty much follow Pioneer Woman's recipe, cut in half, and sieved through a paper towel in a strainer. Works like a charm.

Are you an addict too? What's your favorite way to make iced coffee? Do you deliver? :) Have a great weekend chillin'...

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