Homemade Cherry Limeade

Summertime Beverage Series | gracelaced.com

I wonder what it would be like to live in a world where it was always June. -- L. M. Montgomery

Let's talk about cherry limeade. Real cherry limeade is summertime in a glass, don't you think? And, maybe cherry limeade conjures up feelings of nostalgia over Happy Hour at Sonic. But after making it from scratch, I'm not sure the artificial flavoring at the drive thru will ever quite do it for me again. Making your own limeade is significantly more affordable and absolutely more delicious. And yes, it is more work. :) If you have littles, you can enlist helpers, or train them to make a batch for the whole family on their own. Perfect cure for summertime boredom! For our size of family, we generally double this recipe...even then, it doesn't last long. And, if you are still looking for the zing you get from a Sonic cherry limeade, get yourself a bottle of sparkling water, and substitute it for the water in the recipe. I promise...it'll be Happy Hour at your house all day long.


Homemade Cherry Limeade

1 cup lime juice Simple syrup (1 cups sugar + 1 water) 8 cups water 1 cup frozen cherries ice

Start by pressing gently on the limes to soften them.

Homemade Cherry Limeade | gracelaced.com



Make simple syrup by combining the sugar and water. Dissolve in microwave for a minute, stir, and set aside. Juice them in whatever method is easiest for you...I usually get all the kids involved and have several juicing tools. My favorite is this lemon reamer.




Combine juice, syrup, water, and frozen cherries in a large pitcher. Gently crush about half the cherries with a long wooden spoon. Add extra ice cubes. Taste and add water if needed. That's it! Enjoy!


Join us for the rest of the Summertime Beverage Series for more refreshing ideas!



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