{A prayer for today's striving...}
Lord, it's the busy, bumbling time of year. All to celebrate your birthday, we say.
And yet, you're not what captures my thoughts today...because my mind is racing with everything that must be done, must be checked off, must be done well, must not be forgotten. My mind is jumbled with all that I believe I must have (completed) to be happy.
When all I really have to have is what you've already accomplished when you said: "It is finished."
You know the worries, the lists, the fears that threaten to claim each day for their own. And you know I try to counter with solutions, with scheming, with striving. But, these words bring brokenness to my self-sufficiency:
You're after my heart.
You're not impressed with all the rest this busy season...not even what I long to do for you. You're not impressed with my diligence, my efficiency, my creativity or my dreams...not if I'm offering you the stuff I do and not who I am.
And, so I pause, Lord, and rest my hands and remember that you are seated at the right hand of the Father (Luke 22:69)...you are not anxious. You do not scheme. You do not strive. You are seated...and you're inviting me to enter in.
In Christ, I'm ushered in...
“Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.
As surrendering my heart to you this day leads me to the very grace I need, grant me the humility to turn from my well-fashioned sacrifices, neatly tied with bows, and offer you a contrite heart instead.
Amen. #honestprayers
Because of grace,

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