Welcome to Grace Laced Mondays! Grace is found in the everyday when you are intentional about taking note of it.
It is found in the sink full of dishes awaiting you after a family meal, it shines in the faces of your imperfect children, it soothes from the pages of God's Word, and it is tucked into the enjoyment of a fresh batch of cookies. Grace is in a beautiful moment and a heartbreaking one alike. Grace is blessing beyond what you and I deserve.
Motherhood is an unending opportunity for extending and receiving grace. I loved what Gina from Contemplating Beauty said about her relationship with her teenage daughter last week:
"i have never been too proud as a parent to know that i need forgiveness, that i need grace from my child. i am human too and mess up and fall short, and i am desperate for her grace just as much as she is for mine."
So true. Thanks for linking up, Gina!
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