Colorado Vacation Pt. 1 {The Train}

A family vacation is a glorious thing. What's glorious about it is the uninterrupted, extended, indulgent amount of TIME you can spend together as a family. Doing something new and exciting, or just going for a drive. It's the being together on purpose that makes it the most precious of summer memories.

We did a little bit of both the extravagant and the simple this past week on our family's vacation to the Western Slope of Colorado. You've followed us there before.

This year, we took the train all the way up to Silverton, anticipating that Number 5 will likely be an avid train lover like his brothers before him.

The boys did amazingly well on the all-day excursion, making small talk with fellow passengers, and soaking in all the sights, smells, and adventure boys can't help but enjoy.

It's so interesting to me that our family of 7 attracts so much attention when we are out and about. Perhaps it's the 5 boys thing, or the half-Chinese thing...whatever it might be, we were blessed to receive remarks like, "You have such sweet boys," or "What a beautiful family," or "We so enjoyed sitting with you all," or "They are so well-behaved!"

Indeed it brings a mother joy to hear such things, but ultimately, it blesses our family to have opportunities to bless others just by doing what God's given us opportunity to do; being who God has made us to be.

More tomorrow on why Red Mountain Pass may be one of our favorite places on earth.

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