Cleaning House

I've always felt that your home is like your soul. You take care of your house often in the same manner as you care for yourself spiritually. Some of us react, rather than prevent, always doing laundry because there are no more socks and not as result of routine. I think these are the folks who only remember to read their Bibles when difficulty or trials push them to desperation. Some vacuum on Monday, do laundry on Tuesday, clean bathrooms on Wednesday, and so on, eliminating any anxiety due to last minute guests. These folks are routined in spiritual maintenance, but sometimes fall into a ritualistic "to do" list for their soul. For most of my married life, my house has been perpetually chaotic up until an hour before company arrives, at which time it is spotless. In the last few years, the desire for upkeep and routine maintenance has been usurped by the demands of three children under five. Yet, excuses aside, I saw a parallel with my spiritual discipline: Looking good when it mattered, and lacking discipline when any distraction presented itself. That's why the condition of my house today means so much to me. For the last few weeks I have buckled down to get the house clean for the holidays. Between a few bouts of sickness and the onset of chilly weather, our family was confined indoors, which allowed for maximum project efficiency. The project: deep cleaning, inside and out. Baseboards, windows, drawers, closets. Clearing out the old to make room for the new. Throwing out the junk only I know about. Scrubbing down areas where no one's looking. Perhaps none can even tell how clean it is, or that it's any different than before; but I know.

And the Lord He reminds me once again: my robes are white, I'm am washed clean, and one day, I'll know what it is to have an immaculate heavenly home.

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