We hear the encouragement often to "be present" or "be in the moment" and clearly, this digital age has got us all distracted from what's alive and real, right before us. But as a mama, I long to capture these everyday moments that I have with my boys: the messes we make (and sometimes bemoan) but later wish we had captured in a photo or a picnic at the park; these boys are growing like weeds, and I don't want to miss a thing.

But sometimes I'm worn out and distracted, and I teeter between freedom and guilt in capturing my everyday life. I love when I catch a candid photo, a moment that truly captures these ordinary but special days, as they truly are. Photos tell a story that our hearts want to remember long after the immediate memory fades.I want to tell the story the Lord has given me, but sometimes the photos don't reflect that story and I get frustrated. Do you get that way?

Capturing everyday moments with our families, whether with a DSLR (a "real" camera, i.e. the Nikon D750 I use) or phone, is easier when the tools and logistics are more natural than forced. My friend, Ashley Campbell of Under the Sycamore really embodies this. She truly inspires me to find the #extraordinaryinmyordinary through creatively seeing and capturing my everyday.

I love that Ashley encourages all of us non-professional photographers to use the tools we have to creatively tell our stories...and to find freedom in it. With the accessibility of excellent cameras in our back pockets these days, we really have every reason to document and capture our point of view.

Ashley recently interviewed me for one of her SnapShop courses, "iPhone & Business." I don't have fancy camera crews or professional photographers for my business; I'm simply armed with my iPhone. If you've ever wondered about how I shoot my product photos, the interview tells all.

We're all trying to live out our callings. We're all trying to bring praise to what He's done in our lives by telling our stories. I'm growing in this myself, day by day, and I hope you will too. Let's not be all or nothing people with photography and capturing our everyday. These are blessed and worthy moments and endeavors we are living, whether in home and business. Let's find freedom and growth in learning to see better, and capturing what we see with more wonder. I'm grateful that we don't have to be fancy or amazing to do so.

SnapShop classes for both DSLR and iPhone are available through Ashley's membership site + community, where you can learn and grow at your own pace. For $5 per month, you get access to all past lessons, with new content added each month. There is a $50 sign up fee (so worth it - the DSLR class alone used to be $250) but I’ve got a discount for you!
$10 off with code: GraceLaced
(code expires 9/16/16)
Learn more and join SnapShop here.
Pressing in and pressing on together,