Today finds me lining up each and every thing that is demanding my attention, my care, my energy...and confessing that none of it can be accomplished, except by faith.
That disheveled pile of papers you've needed to address for so long? That dream that seems too big to dream? Those medical bills that you pay down a little each month? That amazing opportunity that seems too good to be true? That pile of laundry that only grows and never seems to decrease? Those sibling fights and arguments you are so tired of mediating? That list of incomplete projects? Those littles that just need a little extra time with you on the couch? That heartache or offense that you struggle to forget?
Don't even try to keep up or figure it all out...without grace, without faith. I so easily forget that we weren't created as conveyor belts. We are unique creatures made for relationship-- dependency-- on our creator. That list of impossibilities, neverendings, and overwhelmings? They were meant to drive you to the Cross in surrender. We can't do it all, and we certainly can't do any of it without faith.
God called Abraham to things much bigger than himself. God didn't ask him to push his way through, to make it happen, or to never give up. He called Abraham to believe and obey, by faith.
What is beyond you today? How is he calling you to surrender your ability to depend on his sufficiency?
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Join me everyday this month for the Drawing Close series.
Day 1: Drawing Close Intro Day 2: A Portrait Day 3: Parts of A Whole Day 4: Be Strong and Courageous Day 5: A World Where There Are Octobers {My Birthday} Day 6: Keep Moving Forward Day 7: Bearing Fruit Day 8: Capturing Life In Motion Day 9: Real (Uncomfortable) Hospitality Day 10: In Process, In Progress Day 11: Beginnings Day 12: Underpinnings Day 13: Rest In Him Day 14: The Mercy of Layers Day 15: Tulips For Morocco Day 16: On His Side Day 17: Dear Soul Day 18: Flowery Beds Of Ease Day 19: Dogwoods Sketch Day 20: Weekend Watercoloring Day 21: Because Love Abounds And We Abide Day 22: The Water To My Color Day 23: Significance of Dogwoods Day 24: Day 25: Day 26: Day 27: Day 28: Day 29: Day 30: Day 31: