It's taken me all weekend to think, process, and respond to the horrific events of Friday. I have everything to say...and very few things at all.
The death of innocent children, grieving parents, devastated communities, heartbroken nations-- it's not unlike the pain of war-torn countries, of genocide...of the events surrounding Jesus' birth as Mary and Joseph escaped the egomania of King Herod. There has long been a precedent of the innocent suffering at the hands of the self-absorbed, cowardly, hateful, and evil. I'm deeply saddened by the devastating death of innocent school children and heroic teachers...but I'm not surprised.
Honestly, I'm sometimes surprised that there isn't more continuous destruction...that God has graciously restrained us from utterly destroying ourselves. I'm surprised when I see His grace hedging me in from the cliff of my own self-sufficiency, my deceptive pride, my self-righteous temper, and my wandering heart. Left up to myself, destructive, crushing, and painful consequences of my sin would find its mark on my children's lives, and in the lives of those around me. It is by God's grace that I'm not as sinful as I could be. It is by God's grace that I am being transformed day by day out of what I would be and into what He can make me. The sin that I hate in the same sin that resides in me. Christ is the hope for sinners--victims and victimizers alike.
Many around us have been paralyzed by fear, anxiety, or anger in response to this great tragedy. It's understandable. Every news channel, psychiatrist, article, and analyst can and will provide us with fodder for whatever it is that overwhelms us. There is no simple platitude that will take away the pain, and yet, we can rest our hope on this: God is still in control. He will right every wrong. This world is not our home.
In the chaos and lawlessness of sin, His boundless love is what fetters our hearts to His; what secures our hope to Heaven, and what anchors our fears to faith and not fate. I'm grateful for this today.
So we continue to weep with those who weep, mourn with those who mourn, and seek to show the kindness and compassion that our world needs to see in the face of such grief.
And while we do so, may we rest in the faithfulness of God that mends the brokenhearted, gives hope through forgiveness at the Cross, that offers freedom where only shackles abound, and that will judge rightly according to His holiness and love.
It's all this broken world really needs. It's all this broken mama needs, as she sends her little ones to classes on campus today in a broken world. Blessings to you this day as you begin your week off trusting IN HIM.
Now let's link up in community...
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