I had many thoughts to share with you this weekend...
...thoughts on why we mothers are not meant to do it all. (Because I felt the effects of a growing shoppe these last two weeks.)
...thoughts on speaking kindly to your husband (Because I was so short and snippy last week, due to sin and stress...see above.)
...thoughts on having a heavy heart. (Because sometimes there's just so much trouble, suffering, discouragement, and hurt in your own life and the lives of others your love.)
...thoughts on the merits of sleep (Again, see above.)
...thoughts on this summer, and how I'm terrified of driving across the country to Florida with six kids (no explanation needed.)
...thoughts on being tender with our children (Because husbands are not the only ones we've been exhorted to love with phileo love.)
...thoughts on putting the house back on the market. (Likely in the next month, after the craziness of end of school and shoppe subsides.)

I had these, and many more things to share...but I've surrendered to my limitations and need for rest. With a sick littles at home, I'm working to steward it all well, and priorities what is most needed. I love writing and sharing...and hope to be back at it soon...

But today, a few quick things by way of announcements and housekeeping...
I was interviewed in my first podcast! Heather of God Centered Mom is featuring me today over at her site, and if you'd like...please listen to the interview with my newbie self.

I'm part of the Letters of Hope series this week with some of my favorite ladies...my post for the series will be on the blog here on Thursday, but be sure to check out the other ladies in the series and enter the fab giveaway for Mother's Day...

Speaking of giveaways, there's also a fun one going on (with one of my card sets) at The Vintage Honey Shop. Head over and check it out!

Finally, if you hope to have something from my shoppe for Mother's Day, be sure to place your order by today. Several things are either sold out or low in stock, so hope you get what you are hoping for!

Thank you all for the tremendous support for my shoppe. My family and I have been so blessed. Thank you.
Press in to our Father this Monday morning....and rejoice!
Because of grace,

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