Allergy-Free Pancakes and the GraceLaced Mondays Link Up

Welcome to GraceLaced Mondays, a link up dedicated to sharing any and all blog posts by like-minded lovers of grace--God's grace! Grace is found in the everyday when you are intentional about taking note of it...and I invite you to share your story, great or small, of how everyday moments are full of Grace.

It is found in the sink full of dishes awaiting you after a family meal, it shines in the faces of your imperfect children, it soothes from the pages of God's Word, and it is tucked into the enjoyment of a fresh batch of cookies. Grace is in a beautiful moment and a heartbreaking one alike. Grace is blessing beyond what you and I deserve.


[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="400.0"]Allergy-free pancakes Allergy-free pancakes[/caption]

There is grace in all the little aspects of life...including the ability to make Saturday morning pancakes for your family with allergy and dietary restrictions. Isn't that GRACE, indeed? Angie from Conscious Eatery shared her recipe for allergy-free pancakes last week. Let's give thanks for the great creativity, wisdom, and diligence of loving moms that share their successes in blessing their families with healthy and allergy-free meals!

Thank you for linking up, Angie!


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