Air Plant Love

I frantically looked to see who had sent me a package. " made me think of you." was the note that accompanied the sweet surprise waiting on my doorstep from West Elm.

Nestled safely within the box was a delicate glass ornament that immediately evoked thoughts of terrariums and plants. I admit, I had to google it just to be sure.

Photo source: here.

Indeed, they are the prettiest, most artistic displays for plants that don't need anything but air. All I need to do now is to find one of these little guys for my glass bubble.

I was amused to find others who have turned air plants into chandeliers,

Photo source: here. favors,

Photo source: here.

...and even mirrors.

Photo source: here.

While less is often more, I do confess that I may have my thoughtful friend to blame for this newfound addiction fascination. Just what I need: a new hobby. :)

Where should I hang my glass bubble? Any suggestions?

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