Accept No Other Pasture...

Friend, I've got a quiet moment here while the boys are playing outside (and not fighting!)...won't you join me in going to the Word of Truth, to feed from the fresh bounty of His Word?

I've been far too accepting of worthless pastures, seeking nourishment from the ideas drawn by comparing with others' lives and experiences.

I've been guilty of conforming the truth of Scripture to my own experience rather than conforming MYSELF to the living Word.

So...I invite you to close down the browser tabs, quiet your Pinterest and Facebook feed, put your computer to sleep...and follow the well-worn path of the Redeemed, that leads you to the verdant fields of Truth.

There you will find what you are truly longing for, putting aside comparison and your sub-standard of SELF for the standard of Christ Himself, and your requirements met in full through Him. He won't let you down.

I'm headed that way to soak it up...will you come along?


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