A Lesson at Costco

School has gone surprisingly well today. Number 4 napped, Number 3 colored, Number 2 started reading on his own (!), and Number 1 pretty much taught himself. School went so well, in fact, that we were able to take a grocery and lunch break at Costco. While the boys munched their pizzas and hot dogs, a kind, elderly lady came over to our table and offered, "You have the most amazing little boys! They are all so well-behaved. Not a peep out of them!"

"Thank you, thank you very much." I replied, remembering all the other times these 4 were FULL of peep-ness (that, and pee pee-ness, as well.)

"Mama, " Number 1 asks, "why didn't you tell her why we're like that?"

*placating smile* Because I can't tell a complete stranger that heart-oriented discipline plus the sting of a flexible ruler proves effective! I think to myself.

"Well, son, why ARE you guys like that?"

"Mama, you should have told her, "It's because we love Jesus, and it honors Him."

That's just fine. My son is using street theology on me.

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