I'm slow to learn and hard of hearing...and sometimes hard of heart.
There are 365 days in a year, and 365 days of the year you will find me fighting to keep Truth at the forefront of my mind and in the pliable part of my heart. It's not just about waging war on sin, it's about setting our minds on things above as a means for battle.
I have to continually pull up the weeds that I hope to replace with a garden of truth.

That's the heart behind the debut of what I hope to be an annual Garden of Truth calendar in GraceLaced Shoppe. The calendar, which releases today, was designed to 3-in-1, with 12 repurpose-able 8x10 prints, and 12 coordinating scripture memory cards. I wanted to offer the kind of calendar that would draw you in with beauty but would anchor you to truth....all year long.
Each month is adorned with a flower that blooms during that time of year + a portion of a verse of Truth that is worthy of rehearsing over and over again. The full verse is located beneath the print, so you can easily read it and remind yourself throughout the month.

You may want to make it a verse to memorize all month long, as a family or with a friend. Once the month is over, you can follow the instructions and cut the page of the month out as a separate print + scripture memory card. I've also created a set of 12 lock screen downloads that coordinate with the calendar so that you can have access to your yearlong garden of truths everywhere you go...
To celebrate the calendar release, I'm running a SALE and PROMO through Sunday, September 20!
Take 20% off entire shoppe, including ALL new releases! Use code: TRUTH20
Every order with a calendar purchase, now through Sunday, will receive an emailed coupon code for a FREE download of the Garden of Truth Lock Screen Set!
(both offers last thru 9/20/15, 11:59 MT)
As always, I'm honored to have the opportunity to share my artwork with you. I'm grateful that He's chosen to use words and brush offered from this place as a means of encouragement. May His Word richly dwell within us and spur us on in both hard and fertile soil.
Because of grace,

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